
Drawing classes in Elwood with a special focus


Creativity through intuition and reflection




Pencil drawing of a brain cell with cell body, axon and dendrites; Poh Wong, 2015



Our minds are meaning-making mechanisms, seeking pattern and structure in our internal and external worlds.  Cognitive neuroscientists suggest that all knowing may be explained by two types of brain processes.  The first are automatic, unconscious processes (our intuitive brain), and the second are analytical, conscious processes (our reflective brain).  The way in which the intuitive brain and the reflective brain work together is being explored by scientists to understand creativity.


Our intuitive brain is a repository of meaning and motivations that we are often not aware of.  The purpose of my classes is to help you to find safe ways to access sources of meaning and creativity through drawing and seeing.  I believe that by merging our intuitive and reflective selves in the art process, we may arrive at more profound personal and communal meaning.


I am a trained art therapist and a provisional psychologist, undertaking research in the cognitive processes of creativity.  I am also a visual artist, and you can see my work on this website (


My classes are suitable for people with or without drawing skills.  Our goal will be to explore drawing as a means for self-awareness and expression.  Sessions will be structured and I will show you techniques you can use to work creatively, while being aware of your particular needs and abilities.



8 classes will be held per school term @ $160 per term:


Elwood St Kilda Neighbourhood Learning Centre

87 Tennyson St, Elwood


Wednesdays 6.30 to 8pm

15 July to 2 September, 2015


For information and bookings, call Poh Wong on 0425 731089 or email